If you are a Christian looking at all the horrible news of late, and you’re not praying for revival in our nation, I’m here to tell you that you are as hopeless as the rest of our lost world. Don’t point fingers at whoever you want to blame. Point people to Christ by living as if you BELIEVE.

A lost person doesn’t care if he shoots cops. A lost person doesn’t have the self control to not shoot an innocent man. A lost person doesn’t have the wisdom to lead our country. A lost person doesn’t realize the necessity of a stable family for raising children. A lost person will kill their unborn baby. A lost person thinks every sexual desire must be fulfilled. A lost person has no compulsion to rise above lying, cheating, or stealing. And a government grown by lost people, run by lost people, and devoid of submission to God will not ever be able to right the ship. Laws cannot save the lost. The Ten Commandments cannot save the lost. “Good” people cannot save the lost. “Good” intentions cannot save the lost. Education cannot save the lost. Money cannot save the lost.

Christians should never expect lost people to act like anything other than lost people. Even the lost people we think of as “good” people, are by definition: LOST. Get on your knees and beg God to revive YOUR life, and then beg Him to revive our nation and world. Then get up off your knees and point people to Christ by living as if you BELIEVE and sharing the Gospel as if you actually understand that… THERE. IS. NO. OTHER. WAY.