Thoughts from the Throne

Depending on what you ate last night, maybe the throne room doesn’t lend itself to a truly “quiet” time on a given day. But a quiet time is really about separating yourself from distractions and allowing yourself to hear from God. Have you ever tried to have a conversation in a crowded room fully of noisy people? Or simply tried to hear the TV with kids running around and screaming in your house?. Hearing and focusing on what you want/need to hear can sometimes seem impossible amidst the cacophony of life. While God is certainly capable of sending down a lightning bolt to get your attention, that doesn’t appear to be His default method of communication.

Psalm 46:10 tells us to “be still and know that I am God.” Perhaps that means we need to be quiet and listen. One of the biggest challenges to reading the Bible and praying is the hustle and bustle of life–we’re always on the go; always trying to do do do. Perhaps “be still” means that we need to stop trying to do so much all the time and trust God to prove He is greater than all of our efforts to do so much on our own. Perhaps it means “be still and…” THEN YOU WILL “…know that I am God.” The answer is probably some combination of all three meanings. But whatever the answer is, He tells us clearly what we are to do: “be still”.

I urge you to embrace the most secure few minutes you’ll have on a regular basis and claim that time to finally commit yourself to doing what you say you don’t have time to do: read the Bible. AND–you’ve got a built-in opportunity to “be still”.