If you want your life to have meaning, direction, and significance, then spend some time reading the Bible and pray for God to reveal His true self to you.

I’ve posted before about the life-changing importance of knowing God as He ACTUALLY is–instead of who we THINK He is or who we WANT Him to be.

I was reading in Romans 1 today (“For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him… Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools.”) and was reminded of how we are in actuality attempting to glorify ourselves when we re-imagine God into our own image of Him and that he must certainly share our “enlightened” views on life.

Let me tell you, if God’s mind worked like mine, I assure you that He would NOT be worthy of worship! We diminish God’s vastness and greatness when we deceive ourselves with the misguided notion that God shares our human “wisdom”. We are called to be like HIM–not vice-versa.

Human “wisdom” is full of errors and contradictions and will NEVER add up to anything that makes sense. God is Truth. If you want your life to make sense, if you want your life to have meaning, direction, and significance, then spend some time reading the Bible and pray for God to reveal His true self to you.

It will change your life.