Category Archives: Thoughts from the Throne


No, this is not about Preparation H, but I'll use the analogy to get this thought started.

Many of life's hemorrhoids prepare us for other purposes God has in store for us. As I get older, I see so many people dealing with tragic loss, horrible illness, or seemingly unfair life circumstances. (read more...)

Thought for the Day

“Pride and grace are eternal enemies. PRIDE demands that God bless me in light of my merits (real or perceived)… but GRACE will not deal with me on the basis of anything in me (good or bad), but only on the basis of who God is.” (D.Guzik) (read more...)

Close Enough

I was reading today in Numbers 32. The Israelites were near the Promised Land but had not yet entered. Leaders from the tribes of Reuben and Gad went to Moses and said, “We’re happy here–where we are. We prefer to stay here,”–outside of the Promised Land. (read more...)

Out of Order

Who sits on YOUR throne? Is it you? Your job? Your family? Your wealth?

If it's anyone other than our Heavenly Father, then your starting point for life is ALREADY out of order--literally. When you were in school, did you ever have a quiz or test maybe skipped an answer because you weren't sure and wanted to come back to it, but forgot to skip a line when writing your other answers? (Read More...)

Not So Quiet Time

Depending on what you ate last night, maybe the throne room doesn't lend itself to a truly "quiet" time on any given day. But a quiet time is really about separating yourself from distractions and allowing yourself to hear from God. Have you ever tried to have a conversation in a crowded room fully of noisy people?...(Read More)