On this Good Friday, I wish that all the world had the time, the knowledge, and the relationship to realize the ultimate sacrifice made by Christ on our behalf.

What was / is the sacrifice for?

Freedom. True freedom.

We have cultivated a lust for freedom in this country that is so contrary to that which Christ died for. He died to set us free–from ourselves. We are all inherently and inescapably sinful. We crave what WE want. We demand what WE want. We insist that what WE want is freedom–freedom to “be who we are”.

Sadly, that type of freedom is actually slavery. Think about it: if we’re inherently sinful, then “being who we are” is the very definition of slavery–slavery to sin. In this situation, sin OWNS us. Our thoughts, our actions, decisions, interactions, relationships all fall victim to the governing will of sin. This is where I feel the new religion of political correctness and “tolerance” (which is anything but) has led so many people astray. We are encouraged to embrace our sinful natures, even celebrate them, and somehow believe that we are now free.

The result is a thousand competing interests all demanding to live life as they see fit. That sounds great until the impossibility of such a culture meets actuality. It’s not possible. It’s not good. It’s not healthy. And it is destructive.

Jesus Christ died to set us free from “who we are”. He submitted Himself to the will of God the Father and was crucified brutally and shamefully on a cross–the death of a sinner for One who was blameless. He gave up His life–His will, His choices, His desire–to live a life of purpose chosen for Him by God. This is where we have eviscerated true freedom and redefined it into a celebration of sin. We are all called to submit ourselves to Him–to His will, not our own. It is only then that we discover the very real difference between true freedom and the freedom to destroy ourselves with our sinful nature.

Jesus Christ accepts ALL who believe in Him and follow Him, but he does not accept nor condone our sinful ways. He didn’t die just to save us from the CONSEQUENCES of our sin (Heaven vs Hell), He died to save us from the SLAVERY of our sins.

As long as our society sees “freedom” as the freedom to “be who we are”, we will never know the fullness of Christ, the fullness of true freedom, and the God-given peace that comes from laying down our lives for Him the way He laid down His life for us.

On this Good Friday, I pray that your eyes will be opened to the glorious freedom that began with God sacrificing His only Son as the eternal price for freedom for us all.