We seem to tuck our chins and try to plow through the physical and emotional challenges of the season rather than celebrating that we can cast our burdens on Him.

For many people, the “most wonderful time of the year” is not so wonderful. Even for Christians and those who very much approach the season with a joyful spirit, it is easy to be plowed over by everything else that the world piles on top of us during all the holiday festivities.

I suppose it is ironic that the time of year that we celebrate the birth of our Savior, we fail to see that He came to carry our burdens for us, to do that which we can never do on our own. Scripture reminds us time and again that there is power in His name, He is a mighty shelter and fortress, and His Spirit gives us peace that we can’t even comprehend by the world’s standards.

I was reading in Hebrews 12 today and verses 1 and 2 struck me a little differently than in the past. “Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.”

So often, we think of Jesus as a “standard” or a “goal”–and an unattainable one at that. We forget that Jesus is the AUTHOR of our faith. He is the PERFECTER of our faith. Using the race analogy from Hebrews, Jesus doesn’t say, “Hey, I’m the finish line. When you get here, I’ll be glad to welcome you in.” I think it is more appropriate to see Jesus as the starter pistol; the shoes that protect our feet; the refreshing water that sustains us along the marathon; the one who tucks his shoulder under our arm and helps us run across the finish line. I envision Him saying, “You are not going to finish this race because of YOUR strength, but because of MINE. You are not going to know the path to run because YOU know the way, but because I DO. And it doesn’t matter if you FEEL like you’re stumbling to the finish–everyone who runs MY race is victorious!”

I said that it is ironic how we treat Jesus at this time of year, and it’s true. We seem to tuck our chins and try to plow through the physical and emotional challenges of the season rather than celebrating that we can cast our burdens on Him. The world tells us all the things we must do, must accomplish, and must be–and it’s a false standard that no one can achieve; a moving finish line that we’ll never reach.

Quit trying to run the race alone. Jesus transforms us–we don’t transform ourselves. There is power in His word, power in His name. Cast your eyes and your burdens on Him daily.

Knowing that I do not need to rely on my own strength, my own wisdom, my own knowledge to run the race He has marked out for me–especially at this crazy, hectic time of year–does indeed give me great JOY!