The Loo Testament

It seems there just aren’t enough hours in the day to fulfill what should be one of the most essential components of any Christian’s life.

“MAKING” Time to Read Your Bible!

Let me get right to the point: nothing has impacted my life more than when I finally committed my time to studying the Bible daily. Nothing.

Sadly, of over 2 billion Christians in the world, less than 30% will ever read through the entire Bible. The fact is over 82% of Christian Americans only read their Bibles on Sundays while in church. Yet another survey says that less than 10% of professed Christians have read the entire Bible.

I was no different.

I grew up in a Christian home, was baptized when I was nine, and have always been active in the church. But–like far too many Christians–my efforts to spend meaningful time in the Word and with God daily were often overcome by the non-stop busy-ness of life. I tried reading before going to bed, but I would inevitably fall asleep while reading. I bought books to help me study, but those efforts failed as well. I told myself that the token efforts of communication were sufficient, but deep down, I knew better.

I heard someone once say, “If the devil can’t make you bad, he’ll make you busy!”

And it’s true! Everything else seemed to always be pushing my quiet time aside. Essentially, I was saying that everything else in life was more important than getting to know the Lord and Savior more intimately.

Christians and Bible Study

Christians Worldwide who will read their entire Bible (out of 2 billion) 30%
Christians who only read their Bibles on Sunday 82%

When my commitment to God and studying changed, my life changed! And for those of you like me–who are lifelong church members who have never read the Bible–let me tell you: the Bible is NOT the book you think it is. Even as someone who knew all the “important” stories by heart, I discovered that the Bible is so much more powerful, so much more vast and impactful than I had ever dreamed.

YOU HAVE TO READ THE BIBLE to know who God truly is! The Bible is a supernatural book that will open your eyes to God’s power, His faithfulness, His truth, His comfort, and His glory. And because I know (sadly) that my previously poor Bible studying track record is NOT uncommon in today’s church, I put this site together to help you FINALLY make time for the Word of God to change your life.

The Throne Room

So how do you make time when there doesn’t seem to be any? From work to responsibilities to kids to kids’ activities–and yes, even church service–it seems there just aren’t enough hours in the day to fulfill what should be one of the most essential components of any Christian’s life.

I have shared this suggestion with several people–often catching them off-guard–but I firmly believe it is the easiest opportunity to take advantage of what for most people may be their only “quiet” time of the day.

Read the Bible while in the toilet!

There, I said it. Read the Bible in the can. On the john. In the loo. On the throne. Whatever you want to call it, just do it. Many people already use the time as an escape of some form: to read magazines, books, play Candy Crush, do crossword puzzles, or whatever. Here is your chance to ask yourself if you’re TRULY willing to change or if your lack of time is just an excuse not to commit your life and your time to the Lord.

Please understand that I am not trying to provoke or be flippantly irreverent. I cherish God’s Word and would love to see more Christians do the same. If you can/will make other time to read the Bible, more power to you. However, as the statistics show, far, far too many Christians struggle to make time to do so or simply make excuses. Because I so firmly believe it will change your life, I want to encourage you to give God’s Word the opportunity to do so.

What’s in a Name?

When I got the revelation to create this site to encourage fellow believers to embrace the Scriptures, the creative side of me really wanted to name this site something outlandish to help spread awareness of the need to dive into God’s Word daily–and I’ll admit I had fun experimenting with the possibilities. None of these are meant disrespectfully–they’re all tongue in cheek (no not THAT cheek!). My favorite–which I reluctantly decided against after my mother expressed her lack of pride in me as a son–is at the top of the list below:

  • The Word and the Turd
  • The Can Plan
  • Stink n Study
  • The John 3:16
  • Divine Doodoo
  • The Poo Testament
  • Squat n Scripture
  • Growing While You’re Going
  • Learning in the Loo
  • Alone on the Throne
  • The Potty Bible
  • DooDooDevotional
  • Dootyvotional